what we do


A utilization focused evaluation process.


Effective public health interventions begin with useful data. We research and evaluate programs, policies, and system changes in a variety of fields including tobacco prevention, policy feasibility, health quality improvement, obesity prevention,  marketing and communications, and many others.

We have a flexible and iterative research approach that engages clients throughout the process to increase understanding, create opportunities to adapt as needed.

Our findings are always translated into well-designed reports and presentations which enable our clients to interpret and make use of the data. Our utilization-focused process draws a direct connection between research, recommendations, and action.

A policy change process model flow chart


Policy change is the core focus of much of our work. With decades of successful national, state, and local policy change projects under our belts, our team has the rare combination of technical knowledge and real world experience.

Our understanding and skill in each aspect of the policy change process, from concept to communication to enforcement, is brought to bear to ensure that policy projects are developed using assessments, public engagement, decision-maker engagement, and creating a well-considered implementation plan.

Rede Group also specializes in strategic planning. Our skilled facilitators guide organizations through a process resulting in strategic plans that are easily understood and highly useable.

Rede CEO Jill Huston facilitation a work group.


We believe that everyone has valuable expertise, knowledge, and wisdom. Rooted in this understanding, our experienced facilitators create comfortable environments for community and public engagement and planning. 

Whether conducting focus groups, listening sessions, stakeholder interviews, or surveys, we make every effort to encourage thoughtful contributions from participants with a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds. Fostering respectful and equitable conversations is a top priority at the Rede Group. Our engagement is often part of projects that go from evaluation to planning, including strategic plans, equity and inclusion plans, community health improvement plans, and climate-health resilience plans to name a few.

Rede President Robb Hutson speaking at a conference


Like many of you, we are voracious learners and we believe it’s crucial to regularly convene around our most pressing public health challenges. At the Rede Group, we actively create platforms and opportunities for public health and other professionals to do just that. We host a series of national, annual conferences on emergent topics in the fields of commercial tobacco/legalized cannabis education, prevention, and control. Rede has also been contracted to run statewide and national year round training programs with a variety of agencies and departments. Each year we help to organize and run several full-day virtual, in-person, and hybrid summits and workshops. Rede staff can often be seen speaking at conferences or leading workshops around the country.

For more information about CannAct: A Cannabis Action Conference, visit

For more information about ToPCon, visit

An equity lens to evaluate public health policies, programs, practices, or decisions


We are a multilingual team, bringing robust experience in program evaluation, program design, community health work, training, and creating culturally tailored campaigns. We live and breathe creating healthy, equitable, and just environments. Principals and senior consultants come from service within county and state governments including holding management positions in large metropolitan areas and smaller, rural locations. Our staff has worked in the field engaging with communities to collect feedback and viewpoints to inform practice and strategic direction. Rede has guided numerous agencies small and large (from 25 to 500+ employees) through internal/external equity assessments. Each of these projects, as well as many others, have prioritized the following topics: systemic racism, language access, workforce diversity, data analysis and collection, service access, community engagement, and identification and development of staff skills, awareness and or practices using an equity lens when providing services. We have developed hundreds of trainings designed to improve service equity by equipping staff with tools and frameworks to take on this critical work.

A video still of a health department director speaking.


Our user-centered design approach ensures that all materials produced by the Rede Group are project-specific, practical, and well-designed. We carefully edit and organize information for clarity, visualize data whenever possible, design for accessibility, and create cohesive visual products.

We provide a range of design and communications services, including graphic design, video and podcast production, branding, message development, social marketing, and live streaming services.